3D Asset Management


3D Asset Management solutions provide a comprehensive overview of an organization’s assets, allowing for better decision-making and planning. It involves the use of advanced technologies such as drones, LiDAR scanning, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to create detailed and accurate 3D models of utility assets. These models can include power lines, transformers, substations, and other infrastructure components.

One of the main advantages of using 3D Asset Management solutions in the utilities industry is improved asset inspection and maintenance. Traditional methods of inspecting assets involve manual inspections, which are time-consuming and often prone to human error. With 3D models, companies can conduct virtual inspections, identify potential issues, and plan maintenance activities more effectively. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures the safety and reliability of the utility infrastructure.


3D Asset Management

Improved awareness of the situation and streamlined asset operations

SkyTech assists in creating exact 3D models populated with asset information to enhance productivity and faster operational decisions in the utility industry.

We assist you with precise 3D representation of your utility network and as-is Built models to aid in better understanding of the context and relationship between assets.

Furthermore, 3D Asset Management solutions enable better asset planning and optimization. By having a detailed and accurate representation of their assets, companies can analyze the condition and performance of their infrastructure more effectively. This allows them to make informed decisions regarding asset upgrades, replacements, and expansions. With this information at their disposal, utilities can optimize their operations, reduce downtime, and increase overall efficiency.

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